Monday, March 26, 2012

Shot 2 Roughs Almost Done

I know it's a short shot but it's one of the hardest shots in my film to figure out technically. One more frame should do it.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I've been working on roughs today and I'm almost done with shot 5. Moving on to shot 6, the only sequential shot work session I've had so far. I usually tend to jump around a lot.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Working on Colors

Taking a break from animation to nail down my colors for the film. I'm figuring out how I want the background to be lit and shaded. I think I'm going to take a Disney approach to color by using the spectrum.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Almost forgot to post this...

This a maquette I made of Life using Super Sculpey. The fur detail alone took 28 hours. It was my first maquette and I'm pretty proud of it. I still intend to paint it, but for now, this is it. It's a big help to me when I need to draw him from different angles.





Just a Progress Report

I've gotten a few more layouts done and I'm currently working on the animation for the end sequence with the seedling growing next to Eithne's doll. I'm going to be hauling ass this week trying to get back on schedule, so wish me luck.